Friday, November 14, 2008

Take A Deep Breath!!
"मत्ता भावना " -
Loving Kindness Meditation

Practice the following meditation to open your heart and cultivate compassion. The meditation begins by cultivating compassion toward someone who is "easy" to feel kindness toward. It continues by challenging you to expand your ability to feel compassion for others in your life, others in the world.

Choose a specific object of concentration for each part of the meditation (i.e. a family member, a friend, etc.) when a general category is listed. Repeat each line to yourself, silently, while focusing on the object of concentration. Do not repeat these lines mindlessly - try to create a genuine sense of goodwill, compassion, and kindness.

May (an object of unconditional love - a pet, a child, etc.) be safe – know peace – be healthy – be happy.
May (someone who is suffering) be safe – know peace – be healthy – be happy.
May (someone who challenges me) be safe – know peace – be healthy – be happy.
May (everyone in my town) be safe – know peace – be healthy – be happy.
May (everyone in my country) be safe – know peace – be healthy – be happy.
May (everyone in this world) be safe – know peace – be healthy – be happy.
May (I) be safe – know peace – be healthy – be happy.

“If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete।” Jack Kornfield

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